
Dec 9, 2011


Today I want to talk about " Changes " we all need that thing that changes us from something to something else , well I have been there and I tried so many times to change but I failed, I was trying to care about people MORE! trying to get what I've lost , trying to do what others thinks its good so I can have my social life back , I used to be so popular * in good way * I know you kuwaitis have a big imagination so I have to explain more .I used to be popular in media which it was the best place I can be so creative in . but in one day , yes ONE DAY everything changed to the opposite , I didnt know why , what happened , I didnt know anything , from a well known girl in the media world to nothing , from a workaholic person to an unemployed person , It was that day that changed me to a very lazy person and very emotional , and what made it worse that a lots of my close friends left me alone to suffer , i was depressed , I overthink , eat and sleep for weeks * thats why im fat now* , I isolated myself , i thought it was me all me , because of me I lost my loved ones , because of me i lost my career my future my everything I've built for years , after two years I realized yes it was me overall.
for one or two situations of failure i fell down and i didnt get up , it was because I've gave a fu*# about what people will think what they say or why they left me , THAT WAS THE PROBLEM , and the plan is dont give a shit !! seriously you only have one life live it perfectly , and perfectly means getting close to God , and thank god everyday that you're alive , thank god that you have a home food and family , a most of all thank god that you'r in a rich country and you're a muslim, all you have to care about is Allah.

Apr 27, 2011

Engineering College , College of Ghosts

A true real story about gosts in Engineering college .. A friend send me this story and it's really scary .. Just read it and I'll leave for you the comment ..

" Hathak ilyoum qararna nadris bel kolya la2na 3ndna kameya kbeera men ilderasa , fa qararna enbat bel kolya eb '3ourfa mswenha 7ag ildikatra " Estera7at ildikatra " .. fa ga3dna nadris ou shway shway elshabab bidaw yamshoun ebyot'hum .. la2na illy emqareren enam just 3 of us .. 9arat elsa3a 11 ellitat emsakera o gelna 7ag bo jassem " mas2oul ilghouraf bel kolya " .. la etsaker elbab 3alena bs egfel elbaji ou khal lena el7mam .. ou fe3lan hatha illy 9ar .. b3d 30 min. ( 11:00 PM) .. Gemna nesma3 a9wat methil nas tsoulif .. fa6l3na re7na 9oub el9out maku a7ad !! .. Gelna yemkin al7arris ( Ma3a ena elbiban etha tesakrat even el security ma ygdroun endshoun ) .. The only way to get out is the emergency doors ..
Any way kamlna dirastna ou ga3dna eshway lin 9art ( 11:45 PM ) ou kena bagen 3 persons bs .. wa7id ra7 el7mam ou elthany ra7 maktab jam3yat civil eng. ( ASCE ) ga3d ysoulif bel mobile .. ou ana ga3d bel ghourfa ..

*NOTE* : nafs ilghourfa elly ga3d feha ana feeha men dakhel ma9ala 7ag ilreyayel ..

ou ana ga3d adres chan asma3 a7ad ykaber .. ou il9out kan wathee7 .. NA3M!! gelt la2 yet'haya2ly shway wla methil a7ad yegra qour2an eb 9out wa6y as someone praying .. gelt ana akhaf eny emthaye3 ou wa7d men elshbab ga3d y9ali so gelt ba6el .. 6alait bilma9ala maku a7ad !!..
Gelt khal adwer 3ala rab3y .. 6let 3ala ilawal wel belmktab ga3d ysoulif bel mobile
 chan egouly "7sbalik ma adry 7a6 athounik 3al bab ou tetmath7ak" ..
gelt lah " ma kent wagef wara ilbab !!! "
 then estw3ab chan agoul lah " wait shno sam3 "
chan ygoul " a7ad yeth7ak 3nd elbab "
gelt lah " mo ana akeed ( the 3rd guy ) .."
 Re7na il7mam kan ga3d ydakhin awal ma dshina chan yeth7ak ygoul " 6a7 3aleekom bo jasm enkom ga3den "
Estaghrbna .. chan engoul lah " La shako !!" 
chan egoul " 3ayal meno yakom ? "
Gelt lah " ma7ad hatha yetkalam bel mobile ou ana ga3d bel ghourfa "
chan ygoul " wallah sm3atkoum tsoulfon ma3a bo jassem .. ou gelt khalhoum yetwahgoun feeh !! "

9erna thalathtna men9admen .. elmohim radina elghourfa 3labona enkamel derasa .. kel wa7ed egoul 7ag ilthany shno sema3 bethab6 .. ou e7na ensoulif sm3na a9wat men ilghourfa elly yamna bab yatba6al ou yetsakar .. gelna akeed bo jassem ga3d ychayek .. fa g3dna 3ala asas lama eye egoulna yallah 6el3aw engoula la2 bng3ad bel kolya laih il9eb7 .. shway la7thna ena elbiban kelshway ttb6al ou tetsakar gelna 7ata luw bo jassem laish ma y6el 3aleena ou laish kelsa3 yba6el elbab ou ysakrah ?! .. 6al wa7eed wela thalma ou la ako bo jassem wala a7ad !! .. kmlna derasa.. ou elghourfa elly ga3deen feha .. feha tv ou kelshay .. ou e7na yayben snacks ou sa3ada el7ayat !! ..

Hedat elomor .. lain elsa3a 9art ( 2:00 AM ) .. Glna ha enam ya shbab galaw ok .. 7a6ena rasna tawna nabi enam .. Wela 9arkhaat bent MEN GALB !!! .. ana men elkhar3a 9abat e3thamy .. ou wa7id men rab3y ma legaita ela yabchi .. eho bicha e7na ekhtar3na ezyada .. 9arkhat elbent men gomat ras'ha .. wallah 7assait enha bel mukan !! .. ou e7na gabel la enam wa7id mena kan ygoul ya jema3a wallah ena 7as ena fi a7ad bel mabna e7na ga3dna ensakta .. bs 9ij 7assena fee a7ad .. ou el9out kan metwa9eel ya3ny like when you said " 2aaaaaaaaa " ou kelna sm3na el9out .. kan el9out continuous ou muta3aly kelmala ou yzeed ... chan agoul lehoum " Gomaw enrou7 eldewanya abrak men hal khar3a " ..
ou re7na 3ad ou lamina 7ostna  .. ou e7na 6al3een awal ma we9lna 3nd ala9an9eer wela ma yeshtgheel .. gelna ok daray !! .. tawna eb nanzel eldaray wela ela9an9eer ysheb elhead board .. Gelt lehoum " ekmalat " .. elmohem fe3lan rekbna ou 6al3na men el emergency door .. ou radeeena eldewanya 7adna khaifeen .. "

* Some Pictures :

* Hatha ilmamar *

* Hatha el elevator lama shab*

Be careful ya rabi3 ilhandsa maybe wentaw bel class fe a7ad ga3id yamkoum !! ..

P.S : Thanks for who send me the story and the pictures !!

with all hate :

Apr 24, 2011

College student..

Kelna netmna endish iljam3a elly e7na 7abenha laken belkuwait kel jam3a ou laha salfa aw shay emayezha 3an ilbajeen .. 3ashan chethe khal nshouf kel ma3had aw jam3a ou shno elly emayzha .. 

1- KU ( CBA ) : 

Hal Mukan aghlab illy dashena 3shan eltedkwer 3shan kel il " high class " edshoun hal kolya .. Ou tlagoun anwa3 ou ashkal men ilfashion ehnak .. ou ilbent lazim etkoun kashkha 100% .. ou akeed elly emayez il CBA il Circle .. ou ehwa boq3at ilgaz ou ilkhaz imkhazaz ehnak .. ou 6ab3an ma3louma ethafya .. elbanat ekhzoun akthar men ilshbab !!! 

2- KU ( School of law ) : 

9ar7tan ba3th ilashkal ehnak jad astghreb shlun dashaw jam3at lkuwait ou specially 7qouq .. la ashkalhom etsa3eed ou wala 7atta ta9roufat'hom .. ou luw benqarenha weya CBA fa ab9em lekom bel3ashra enha farg ilsema 3an ilarth .. 

3- KU ( Adab ) : 

ba3th ilashkal ehnak men fe2at il3agad .. ou ilbanat emkhabal chena awal marra eshofon shbab .. ou ilshbab kathalek .. ana many 3arfa a9lan ray7een yadrson wela ray7een ethba6oun .. ou ilaghlab erou7 ilkolya bs mashouf ena e7throun mu7thrat'hom .. 

4- KU ( Handasa ) : 

MESAKEEEN!! jad makrofeen karaaf wa3lya 3alihom .. 9ij yestahloun ilshahada elly yakhthounha .. mahdoud 7ailhoum .. lakeen hatha maymna3 men tawajoud ba3th ilhailag .. ou aghlab eventat'hom fashla .. 

5- Ta6beqy ( Tarbeya asasya ) : 

Maswen za7ma belshamya .. Ou la tetwq3oun enhoum e7throun kela mtang3en ib jam3yat ilshamya .. ou lel asaf ilaghlbya il9oghra mkharba 3ala ilbajeen .. 

6- Ta6beqy ( Tejary ) : 

Thaim ou thalayem .. Ahlag menhom ma sheft .. ilfashion 3ndhom lehom brou7hom .. ou ilthouq kelish maydour .. ou iltaqleed fulaly ehnaak .. Lazim e9eeer hosha belmuhlab .. ou lazim ilshor6a kel youm mkham6een hal 3agad mwdenhom ilmakhfar .. madry meta 3al 3alam ib yet6wroun ! 

* el edara bel tajary t3ameel il6alba ka yahal .. la esloub san3 yetklmoun feeh wala nafsya 7elwa .. 
* ildektra 3ady yes7ab 3ala il6alba bedon ma ebalgh'hom ou 7aail 3adi yestanthel .. 
* Fe dektra ou bedon thkir asamy " yraqmoun ilbanat " ou hal bent elly et'thab6 3adi ya36eha A ou baje ilclass ya36eeh C aw D ma3nda mashakel .. 
* qa2mat el et7ad elly khabena feha Ma ashoufha sawat shay 7ag iltejary .. ou wala ga3da teltfet 7ag meshakelha ..  bs fal7een eswon nadwat ..
* Caffee methil il3alam mafee mukan barid yeg3doun feeh il6alba mako ..

Luw bag3ad agoul shno ilme9aib elly feha marra7 akhali9 ..

7- AUK :

Kaa Derasa la3nen khayrhoum .. Ou y7boun 6albt'houm waaaaiid laih darja mayboun ekharjounhom bser3a .. * 3shan yes7boun b hal flous * .. Kaa 6albaa fa iljnous tarrrss ehnaak .. ou 3nd'houm mukan khaa9 7ag ilzalmat ou ilmanbotheen ..

8- GUST :

Fashion college .. Nas Ma3ndaha mashakel etkoun kashkha 24/7 .. eventat'ha best of the best .. lazim kel shahar ekonon 6al3en lehom ib 6al3a .. ou il9ara7a a7la ta7ya 7ag Mustaqilat gust .. la2na 9ij qa2ma gad'ha ou gdoud .. laken yarayt luw yeltaftoun 7ag mshakel il6alba akthar .. men na7yat derast'houm ilmawad ildektra .. la2na ou 3ala 7ad 3elmy ilderasa waid 9a3ba feeha ..

9- ACM/AUM :

ilaghlbeya feha yahaloo .. mahmhom ela yet7choun 3an flaan ou 3alntan .. ou netham iledara lail7en mu mestw3been enhoum 6albat jam3a .. la feeha entekhabat wala ba6eekh .. ou etha sawaw event galab night club belakheer .. !!

10- ACK :

Nas 3aysheen 3alaam akhaar .. kelshay feeha boyaat jnous 3agaad hailaaag .. 6ebaw ou tekhyraaw .. ou netham ilderasa feha kel sena tetghayaar ..

P.S : Etha ta7chayt fa ta7chait 3an ilba3th aw ilaghlbya + 7oryat ilray makfoula 3nd aljamee3 .. Ou etha 3ndkom ay ethafaat golaw elly bkha6rkoum ..

With all hate :

Apr 23, 2011


I'm finally back .. and don't feel happy cause this time I will be much mean than before ..
be aware ..

P.S: if you have some suggestions to gossip about comment me
with all hate :

Feb 14, 2011

Fahmen Twitter Ghala6 !!

Bema Eny i7da Rewad Twitter .. Fa waid ashouf ashya2 ghalaaaa6 Ga3da t9eer .. Men Mghazal ashkraa ..Tedkwir Fe il3alaly .. Ou DOKHLAAAAAAA2 ib hal 3alm 

Ou Ra7 agoulkom Now ilnaw3yat illy Fahma Twitter Ghalaa6 .. 

Nou3 #1

Dasha Twitter La2na Refejt'ha galt laha there's alot of cute guys .. Fa shetswe et7ee6 the hottest pic 3ndaha fala ilsha3ar ou mada ilbouz ..Ou kel her tweet Ray7aa spoons ou rada men 360 .. wela she post nail polishes ou takteb " ay loub asabegh athafry " Ou her followers 6ab3an 1268639030477

Nou3 #2

Dash twitter ham nafs ilmwthou3 la2na fe waiid banat yetthb6oun ibser3a .. Fa erou7 funzy 3shan e9eer kh9e9aaaan bs 3ashan e7e6ha b twitter ou e7a6em qeloub il3atharaaa .. ou ilbanat 3alih kamaa ilreshaa

Nou3 #3

3ad hathila men 3alm akhaaar .. Chenhom yayen men kawkab il3aja2eb w ilghara2ib .. 3assa ma ktbat wa7da tweet 3alaq ib askhaf ilta3leqaat .. ou il9ouraa lazim akoun b sayra ou im9awir nafsa 6ab3an .. ou ekoun 7a6 his pin bel bio ..

Nou3 #4

ilbanaat illy fehoum naq9 .. kel her tweets .. oboy mareeth .. bent 3amy 9art 3amyaa .. bent khalty matat .. aw ray7aa ilmustashfa .. raddaa men ilmustashfa thagh6y nazil .. mu makla shay 6oul ilyoum .. umi ila betwdeny ilmostashfa .. LMAO!!!!!! Get a life you Drama queens .. Twitter is not about your sick life
understand this please ya3ne !

Nou3 #5  THE LAST

Ell HAILAAAAG Elly Ma yabahom ilaa marina FM .. Jad Please stop it mu nag9eeen ila halagat ilfacebook kella eyoun twitter ..

NOTE : .. Twitter is about sharing thoughts .. knowing each other in polite way .. respect others opinion .. understand this lesson then join twitter

P.S : 7uryat ilra2y makfoula 3end aljamee3 :D

With all hate :

Feb 5, 2011

Rihanna's Album best seller in Saudi Arebia

in twitter rihanna post a tweet
" GuessWhat : #LOUD is On the #1 On ' International Best Sellers ' In ' SAUDI ARABIA!' I #Know ' SAUDI ARABIA ' "

I'm not surprised that she got the first place , she's one of the best singers , keep goin' Rihanna you can give us the  best with every new album ..

Jan 15, 2011

ilZawaj Must7eel ou ilSum3a Le3bba !!!

hal Mawthou3 Men akthar elmowathi3 elly it7urny ou itnarfzny ou akeed aghalbkom ra7 ewaf8ny ilRaay .. bel awal ra7 atkalam 3an ilzawaj .. Fe katha majmou3a men ilnas ra7 akalam 3anhoum ou kel majmou3a 3ala 9oub ..

Awal majmou3a elly makhtheen she3ar " ela9eel ou bs ou elbajy Khas " .. Mafe a7ad ma yabe ilzain 7ag benta aw welda laken kelna 3ebad allah ou ilnas sawaseya etha kan ilwalad 3enda shahada ou yeshteghel ib a7sn mukan ou yegdar e3ayesh bentkom bs mu a9eel 7arram ena yetzawaj ?! Mallaah Raaab !!!

ilnou3 ilthany " ya tetzawaj / tetzwjain men ilahal wela mako " .. aw gha9ib ?! Entaw illy ib tetzwjoun wela ohma ?! Ou ana wa7da ma ashje3 zawaj ilahal ok ehwa better ou 3ala goult'hom " Dehna ib Mekabtna " lakken hal shay may36y khe9o9ya 7ag ilzojain ilmeshakel betkoun 3nd ahalhom ou etha la qadar allah ou 6alg'ha il3ayla ib kobrha be9er be9er bainhom 7zazeya ou za3aal  .. fayda ?!

Ilnou3 ilthaleth " ahaam shay weld flous .. ou ilmahaar fe il3alally ya goumar la telaly "..  3ad hal nou3 eyebouly ilma7y !! seriously eshfaydat ilflous ?! etha kan ilrayal mu zain ? ou bentkoum kel youm ten6ag wella magh9ouba 3ala shakh9 mu met8abeltta !!

Dear Parents : WAKE UP!!! it's not your life anymore , it's your children life they decide what THEY want to have better and happy life .. with no regrets

One more thing 3an ilzawaj .. lel asaf " ilsan3a teg3ad belbait ou it3anes .. ou illly ( allah yaster 3aliha ) 6abour 3nd babhoum " *FULL STOP "

Ou lama engoul zawaj beyee 3ala balna soum3a .. gabel kanaw egolon elrayaal esheel 3aybaa luw mahma sawa .. ou ilbent ma tghale6 ma tsawe ma trou7 ma tyee .. ou 7a6aw 7doud ou kh6ou6 7amra ou hatha sa7 .. lakeeen ib hal wagt ilbent ou il9bay LEHOM SOM3A .. thnaynhom metsaween ..

Lakken ilGhala6 elly ga3d esweeh ilthnaain enhoum ekthroun bel7achy ou yetkh6oun 7doud ghayrhoum ..
Mathlan il9bay kan ga3id beldwanya ou ma3a rab3a ou 7aab esoulif ou ebayyen ena massek ilga3da yeg3ad esoulif ib banat " ana kalmt flana ou 6al3t ma3a 3ellana ou hathy 9ourat 3alntana " .. kelish mu fakhar enik etkalam 3an bent ou 3an sharfha mahma kant ehya mekhtrba aw mu zaina mala da3y tetkalam .. Kelish Mu Rejoulaa !! ou ilasbab ehya ..
1.IlDenya edour ou etha 3endik khawat wella banat men ahalik methil ma t7chait ib yet7choun 3anhom ..
2.Rabna yahde ay 3abd ou men akbar el e7tmalat ena hal bent etba6el men sowalifha ou et9eer a7san bent mahma kan matheha ..
3.ETHEEEEM KBEEEEER 3ala elly yet7cha ib a3rath ilnas ..

Ou il7achy akeed mu bs 3al shabab 3al banat b3d !! Lama tetklmain 3an 9bay ou hatha ta3araaf ou sawa ou lebaas ou sherab ou safar keeliish Mu wanasa !! wala ba3th ilbanat habbely eswon emails ou bc's 3an the hottest guy in kuwait with pic's .. shal kharabe6 ou shal 3alam iltafeh illy 3ayshen feeh ?!

Methel matboun ilnas tet7cha 3ankom la tet7choun ba3raath ilnas !!

Ou laa fee majmou3a men ilshabab ou ilbanat etha kanaw me7tareen men wa7ed wela wa7da eswon fake account 3anhom FB , twitter .. wella ebougon 9ewrhoun ou edakwroun men warahoum !! sick people very pethatic

Jaad Laih Metta ben3eesh 3ala flaan gaal ou 3alantana sawat ?
Laih Metta bentkelam ba3rath ilnas ?!
LAAAIH Mettaa betzeed il3nousa men warakom #LOL?!

P.S : 7uryat ilRaa2y Makfoula 3nd ALJAMEE3 :D ..

With all hate :
Gossiper ..

Jan 7, 2011

Mitsatra ولـــكــــن !!!

Waaaiiid Naaaas Fahmen il3abaya ou il7jaab ou iltester Ghalaa6 .. So 7abbaa a97ehom Chood yenfaa3 Fehom shway .. ou illy khalany akteeb 3an hal shay maw8if shefta be3younnnii ilthentaain .. Shaay 9admny .. Kent ib wa7ida men ilmujm3aat .. ou dashait tekrmon il " WC " ou dashaw banat thntain sh7alat'hom 3abaya ou 7jaab bu 6awabi8 .. aw Methil ma Esmouna " 7jab bu nafkha " ..

Haal 7jaab thaaaim ou thalaayyem .. Mabii a3eed ou azeed feeh cause a3t8id ilmwthou3 i7taraag men kethir ma t7chaw feeh ou 3ybaaw ou laaail7een nas yet7doun ba3th meno akbaar nafkha ..
ELMOHIM Nerja3 7g mawthou3na .. Dashaw hal bentain efrshaw ilmakeup 3al 6awla wellaa tef9aakh il3abayaa Labsa hathak iljeans ilTHAAAYYEEEG .. ou BODY .. " Style hailgy " chaaan tef9aakh hal 7jaab ou etfeel sha3rha ilm8a9aaf ou illoun elly foug ghair ou elly bel a6raaf ghair ou itloufi7 ib sha3rha yemeen yessaar 3ala asas tanfishaa ou t7ii6 makeup ilyahaad .. Ou t6laaa3 !!!!
I was Like ;O WHAAAT!!! Waain 3allaa alaah ou mu labsaa 7jabiich ..
Hathaa totally " 7jaab bu 6agga " Ou ilmu9iba enna fe waid banat chethee jeddam ahlhom shay ou te6la3 shay thaanyy !!

il7jaab elly 3alla rassiich Lazim te7tarminnaa Mu le3baa .. tkhafeeen men ahalich aktharr men Rabiich ?!

ilnaw3ya ithanya men ilbanat elly ohma 3balhom enhom banat Men " 90210 "

Tabon tkonon fashionable girls mumshkellaa .. bs talbseen lain nu9 foukhthiich ?!! big Fail ..
Wellaa Talbseen mzallaa6 !!!! .. WE'RE in Kuwait City honey Not LA !!! Gabel kelshay i7na muslmen .. thany shay i7na mujtma3 ta7koma il3adat ou ilta8leed ilmu7afitha !! Mangoul 6el3aw ib 3abayaaat Raas !! bs lebsay bel ma38oul !! tegdren tkonen The fashionest girl in kuwait bedon ma e6al3een fkhothich wela znodich wella whatever ya3ne !!

Dear Kuwaiti Girls : il3agel NE3MA :) ..

P.S : 7ureyyaat ilRaaay Makfoula 3nd Aljameeeeeee3 :D

With all Hate :

Jan 3, 2011

UGLY fashion !!!!!!

One of the ugliest fashion I have ever seen .. For God sakes its called RAIN boot not temshy boot !! you look like just out from Balou3a !! BAAAD Fashion Ugly Fashion !!

P.s : 7uryat ilra2y makfoula 3nd aljamee3 ;p

With all hate :

Men Foug Halla Halla .. Ou Men ta7t Ye3laam Allaaah ..

Hal nas Majmou3a il9ar7a ana ashfeq 3aliha jeddan ;p La2na Etha7konii ou eza3loun ib nafs ilwagt ,, madry ath7aak 3ala khbalhom ? wela abchy 3ala mu3ant'hom !! Mathlan ana ashra7 lekom .. Wa7id Fati7 lah Porsche akhith model .. aw Ferrari Ou e7ouuus fehhaa bel weekend rayee7 3al khaleej ou rad men ilkhaleej ou 6ayyer bel 7ub ou rad men il7ub .. youm ilsabt belail etlageh rad'ha ma7al ta2jeer sayarat !! LAAAIISH elthaaim elly yayba 7ag nafsik ? Elnou3 ilthany awal ma eshtaghal khathala thaak il8arth elly yaksser ilthahar ou sharalla sayaraa akheeeer model elly t9eer ib shay w shwayat aw aqsa6ha etkoun garma kel ma3asha !! LAAAAAAIIIISH!!!! Nagee9 ma2asy ?

Ama ilbanat Ray7a makhtht'laha qarth 3ashan etsaffer !! wella 3shan teshtry laha cham jan6a marka !! ou ilmu9iba hal nou3 men ilbashar e3eshoun ildour waiid !! Ama ilnou3 ila8wa tadroun meno !! elly talbees ta8leed ou t3eesh ildour ennaa a9ly !!

Ya Jema3a Mu tharory il ensan ekoun kashekh ou labest markat ou sayrtaa akhir model !!! aham shay ELAKHLAAAQ!! elly ga3d e9er shay nadder ib hal ayam !!

7elo il ensan ekoun metwathe3 ou 3ayesh 3ala gad 7ala la e6ali3 foug ou wala e6ali3 ta7t !!

Bs e7na sha3b e7ib eltefelsef ou yehtaam waiid bel mathahir fa ma aloum hal nas !!

P.S : Ba3th ilNas Mu ilkeel .. 3ashan ma taklouni

with all hate :

Jan 1, 2011

Ma3a ilKhayl Ya Shagra !!

il3enwan Esoulif 3an Nafssa ;p .. Since i7na Sha3b " ilHabbat " Fa Mawthou3 ma3a ilkhayl ya shagra shay warrid jeddan !! Mathlan Khalouna Nassrid Habbatna ilakherra ou Ma3a Kel Habba Fe Salfaa .. Awal habba ou elly ehya kant ib shakel kasse7 ihwa " Blackberry " Ma3rouf fe ildewal illy barra ilfe2a elly testakhdem " blackberry " ouhma il businessmen ama ihny fa i7na istakhdmna lel blackberry 3shan shaghltain , First ENMOUT 3al balaaaaash ou bbm ihya i7da wasa2l ilhathra ib balash , Second " kel ilawadim 3nd'hom yat 3alaaay ana ? " .. Ou ib 9ar7a ana a3triif enny men rabi3 il BLACHBERRY ;p So yes ana m3a ilkhayl ya shagraa ..

Thanny habba 3ndna iphone 4 bs 6la3 hal phone 9araw rabii3 ilblackberry hilag ;p ou kha9tan enna fe waid apps bel iphone men rabii3 ilbalash phone calls ou elakh elakh .. ou lama ts2l flan haa chenna iphone eeh wallah yakhok maliina men ilblackberry !! tlageeh may3rf ko3a men bo3a feeh !!

Enyye 3al amaaakin * Arfa3 chmomy ou atrba3 ou a7i6 il laptop ib 7ethny * Awaaal shaaay bs ba6aal 360 kel Marou7 ashouf ilkuwait kelha ehnaaak ou za7ma 3al fathy Ba3dain elly zad il6een ballaah OFK MUST7EEEEL !!! OK Enrou7la la2na you3aneeen bs enshallaah ma an6eeer zillion sa3a 3shan eye douryy 3anii ma kalait ya jema3a ;p .. Ou b3d fatra g9erra 6la3 lenna spoons ou ilmou9eba yarrait ilmwthou3 mawthou3 enrou7 ib nu9 ilsbou3 nakkel ib ma63am aw shay .. el mawthou3 Girls : enrou7 ilsalon nekshakh ou hathak ilka3ab elly 6oula shebraain ou yallaah ensafir to elmngaf ! WHY? there's alot of cute guys Yemkin netzawaj !! HAHAHA!!! Fel7ay belderraa 3shaan tlagiin rayeel in spoons ! , Guys : Erou7 il7alaa8  yekshakh ou erish thaak il36eer elly luw ana ib baitna ashima ou erou7 .. WHY?! b3d elzoum iltedkweer ou iltethbi6 !! ..
Seriously guys and girls Ela Matta mawthou3 ilhabbat hatha ! Ma engoul 7bsaw bel bait la t6l3oun wala engoul la tshtroun bs kelshay ib haddawa 7elo !! .. La tlaw3on chabdna ou etkhlona nekrah ilshay gabel la enshoufa !! Ana a6la3 3shan aftak men ewyoh illy a3rfhom wella 3shan ared ajablhom ?! ;p 

Hahaha Anyway Get a life guys and girls ou Bedaal hal tedkwir ou ilfraraa Shaghlaw imkhokhkom ib shay muffeeeeeeeeed !! Elnas ew9law ilgomar we7na lain al7een Endweer ilgaz ou iltethbi6 ou 7ebny w a7biik!:


With all hate :
Gossiper :D

What The hell is this ?!

 since we love or ADORE to gossip about everything , anything and NOTHING .. this blog is to  .. Gossip about everybody , anybody and NOBODY , with a sense of humor Like it or not !! I'll just speak it

With all hate:
Gossiper !